Tail Bone Injury

Where do I start, praising Eran or first my accident? 

Well 1 ½ years ago I fell, and when I say I fell I mean I FELL hard in a cave onto a rock right on my tailbone.  Well so to say the least I had been living in pain for 1 year before and I was not even able to lay on my back in bed and required a donut/special cushion to even sit down, which still didn’t relieve the pain, but I had to try something, that is how bad the pain was and it never got below a 8 and mostly stayed at a 10!  I even had pain when running for the first mile and even swimming every time no matter the stretches, (but then I became numb to the pain and just accepted it if I wanted to work out)!  I was called a wimp because I couldn’t even do a sit up, I honestly had to roll to my side to even sit up.  I did that for 1 year before I saw Eran for the first time, and that was after seeing my regular Dr, having x-rays taken to say that I had compressions in my coccyx and that I should go to physical therapy. 

Well, I did what they said because, well I thought they knew what the best thing was for me.  I had a chiropractor that I would see regular, and massages to help relieve the pain but NOTHING worked.  I honestly contemplated surgery and even getting my tailbone taken/shaved off, if that was even possible.  Needless to say, people looked at me like I was crazy!

I then sat back and thought of more options!  So, I called Eran and explained to him the situation and on my first visit with him and telling him about my accident he knew what was needed to be done without even looking at my x-rays, which he did look at the x-rays though and confirmed what needed to be done.  Eran had suggested a course of action, and not going to lie I was very hesitant to have it done but I trusted him immensely and I knew he had my best interest at heart, and during my 1st appointment we decided to go ahead and have it done.  Eran is and was so professional and made me feel comfortable and I was not nervous because again I knew Eran had my best interest at heart.  I was in complete shock because the procedure was so much less intense than I imagined and I immediately felt relief, my pain immediately went from a 10/10 to a 4/10.  I couldn’t believe what had just happened and that I suffered for over a year with this pain, and it affected every aspect of my life. So, since my first visit I have had about five more sessions, and every time the pain has decreased and I can now actually do a sit up, lay on my back, sit in a chair without a donut/special cushion.  Now that being said I then returned to my primary Dr after the first 3 appointments to have another Xray done of the tailbone to see the progression and improvements in the coccyx, and the improvements were amazing.  So, since then, I had 2 more treatments done and I am still in amazement that I can do a sit up and the max pain I feel is a 1/10, and a lot of that is scar tissue that I have on my coccyx and the area surrounding.  I have to let my mind relax and not assume the pain will be there, because it’s not!!!!!  I still can’t believe it that I can sit without pain, and OMG I can do a sit up without bracing myself for pain.  



Neck and Back


Pain and Mobility After Knee Replacement